Where is our site?Trent Park EN4 0DZ
How do I sign up?The first step is to book a viewing with us, to do this please email info@treehousefriends.co.uk or call +44 7445 093585 or compleet the form here . Once you are happy with the viewing you can secure your place by paying the deposit and registration fee. Siblings and parents already registered will be prioritised.
Can my child attend part-time?Yes they can. We offer term time, full time, part time and ad hoc days where possible.
What if it rains?We play and have fun! There is no question that kids love rain. I mean, what else could be more exciting than finding muddy puddles, catching the rain, making mud pies, splashing water all around us. It is not only fun but the essence of sensory play and vital for your child's learning. Furthermore, rain won’t make your kids melt, sick or turn them into a raindrop! Contrary to the believe that playing in the rain is an easy, quick way to catch a cold, rain actually has important health benefits - higher work performance and strengthens the immune system. How you wonder? Generally speaking, negative ions increase the flow of oxygen to the brain; resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy. ​ As for shelter trees provide a natural canopy and we built a cosy shelter every day and as long as your child is appropriately dressed in their waterproofs and boots as suggested here, nothing will stop them, so let the adventure begin!
So is it really all day every day outdoors?We spend up to95% of our day outdoors. All children need to be suitably dressed for the outdoors including thermal layers and ski wear in the winter, just like if you were taking them skiing or if they lived in a colder climate. We remain outdoors in all weather conditions, continuously adapting our camps and shelters accordingly and educating the children on how to cope in challenging weather. We follow the guidelines of the park wardens. They will close the park if the weather conditions are regarded as unsafe, normally due to high winds because of the danger of falling branches. In very cold weather the children will be dressed up warmly and remain active. So yes, mostly we will remain outdoors, as our endless learning opportunities will vary due to weather conditions. However, we have an indoor accommodation available to us throughout the day, in case of severe weather conditions.
What if my child needs a rest?All children have the opportunity to sleep or rest throughout the day. During those natural breaks children can use our hammocks or cosy sleeping areas where they are kept comfy, regardless of the weather.
What happens in an emergency?Children used to playing outdoors are far less likely to injure themselves as they have already developed a natural risk assessment process and have a very good understanding of their capabilities compared to children that spend most of their time indoors. And just like any other nursery, we have a set evacuation plan that covers emergencies or incidents. We always have trained first aiders on site that will treat any injuries and will be in charge of escalating any emergency procedures.
Is my child's safety not compromised on a site without fence?We have the highest standard of Safeguarding Policies in place that all our practitioners follow. All staff are trained on a continuous basis. That is also the reason why we operate on a very small child adult ratio compared to any indoor nursery. We pride ourselves in having a classroom without walls, as this offers a wider diversity of play options and learning experiences to our children. In addition, we also ensure that children are dressed appropriately and children get taught on a daily basis the importance of safety through play and games and support from their adults.
What about dogs or visitors?Part of our safeguarding policies is to teach children and adults how to react in situations like these. All staff are trained and children are supervised at all times. Most of the dog walkers we have very friendly relationship with and know not to let their dog approach a child without consent.
How many adults will be there?At least 1 adult for every 4 children.
Do you provide lunch?Parents provide lunch and we provide snack. Please consider that we are a healthy nursery, children bringing in sweets or chips will have to wait until they are back in your care before eating them. Feel free to contact us if you need ideas for lunches and snacks.
Where can my child do their toileting?We use our indoor facilities for toileting and changing. However, we have specified areas in the woods that offer shelter and privacy for toileting and we always have our emergency potty near by, which is handy, especially when they have started potty training. Children not used to toileting outside quickly adapt and all staff assist as needed to teach a good toileting hygiene. We provide warm water and soap for hand washing after toileting and before snack-time.
What does my child have to wear?You will receive advise on what they should wear and where you are able to purchase your clothing up on registration. You will be required to ensure your child is dressed in appropriate layers of clothing every day depending on the weather conditions. We have set guidelines and this will play a vital part in safeguarding all our children.
Do you offer the 15 / 30 hours free funding?Yes, we do offer funding, please enquire within. However, currently we don't offer term-time only.
Are you Ofsted registered?Yes, our services are regularly inspected by Ofsted.
More information can be found in the registration pack
Darcia Narvaez Ph.D.:
Recent studies tell us why indoor play is detrimental to children’s growth. Outdoors, a child learns on multiple levels with each new adventure (Burdette and Whitaker, 2005). With all of the imaginary castles, lands, creatures, the brain develops at a much faster rate than for those who play indoors. There are numerous effects. Not only do they become better learners, and do well in school, but they are more fun to be around (i.e. they make more friends)--everyone wants to play with the kid with the active imagination! Consequently, children will be much happier because, hey, they’re smart and they have a lot of friends. All of this comes from just playing outside; you can bake many loaves in the same oven.
Study from Personal and Environmental Associations with Children's Health (PEACH) project:
...As statistics show that childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years, many after school programs have pushed for greater physical activity, particularly outdoors...
The Guardian
...“Young kids that learn and play outside get direct experience of weather and the seasons and wildlife – things that are only possible outdoors – and they get to assess risks, solve problems and develop creativity,” said Lucy Hellier, WWT learning project manager. “The benefits may seem obvious, but in reality many children don’t get to be outdoors in a natural environment in any regular or meaningful way. And that’s even more common among kids from deprived areas....”
The Guardian
.."This report is groundbreaking stuff. Millions of people are increasingly worried that today's children have less contact with nature than ever before, but until now there has been no robust scientific attempt to measure and track connection to nature among children in the UK, which means the problem hasn't been given the attention it deserves...